C- Sections Scars
Do you have tightness or restriction in your scar? Do get a pulling sensation in your scar when you make certain movements? Does it feel...
10 Life Hacks for Top Pelvic Floor Health
Boost intake of hydrating liquids - needed for good bodily function. Dehydration reduces mental and physical capacity, concentrates urine...
Hysterectomies are the most common gynaecological surgeries. The fact that it is a routine surgery can lead to a down playing of the fact...
Muscle Balance Massage - where to next?
The month of May this year marks my 5 year Anniversary since I graduated from the North London School of Sports Massage and set up my...
My journey to a hysterectomy....and beyond. Part 1
It has taken a long while to get to this place. This place where a decision has been made to go ahead and have my womb removed. I have...
Women's Wisdom - Breaking Taboos
My sister bought me this book ages ago, it was about the power of wisdom in women and how we grow as we share this wisdom between friends...